
Thursday 7 March 2019

Treaty Background

Identify and record information about important places, events that took place, and people who lived in NZ prior to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Who were the different groups living in NZ before the signing of the Treaty?

Toby, Caleb, Eden


History of New Zealand

Events That Happened In 1830 - Toby


Maori political, economic, and religious leaders were ariki, Rangatira and Tohunga!

The tribes in New zealand were only maori The maori were at war with each other back then in the 1830’s and fought over each others land! Sometimes they would even kill each other in order for them to own more land.

Caleb - The people who first arrived at new zealand were polynesians back 700 years ago. The First European explorer to sight New Zealand was Dutch navigator on 13 December 1642. Then Captain James Cook, who reached New Zealand in 1769, was the first of his three voyages, to circumnavigate and map New Zealand

Missionaries - December  1814 was when the first missionaries came to New Zealand in the Bay of Islands. - Eden

Traders/Whalers - The sealers back then were the most active but by 1830, with significantly reduced seal numbers, sealing had declined to a low level. ... Raven left a gang in Dusky Sound for 10 months to hunt seals. - Toby

Settlers - The ancestors of the Māori were a Polynesian people originating from south-east Asia. Some people trace the early Polynesian settlers of New Zealand as migrating from today's China, making the long voyage traveling via Taiwan, through the South Pacific and on to Aotearoa (New Zealand). - Toby

Why did people from other places want to settle in NZ in the 1830s? King, Justice, Maanas

During the late 1830s- Europeans also known as Pakeha, came to exploit the nations natural resources like seals in the far south and whales then timber, flax and fishies.Then, they used northern harbours to refresh and come back to New Zealand. Some people also say that some fugitives also came so they can escape while some slaves also came. -Maanas/Justice/King

In Britain during the 1830s various groups, broadly called "humanitarian", which had huge effects on policy. The humanitarians were convinced that Mäori, like other indigenous peoples in Africa and the Pacific, were under grave threat of virtual annihilation from the moment that European explorers and traders touched their shores.


What were the issues for Maori and Pakeha that led to a treaty being entered into?

Naomi, Paikea, Amira

Naomi- The first issue that led to a treaty being entered into was the pakeha people bringing guns to the country and they were making a lot of wars with muskets/guns. There was conflict between maori and pakeha and now between maori tribes.

Paikea - In the late 1830’s Europeans came to New Zealand to mainly exploit the country’s natural resources - First seals in the far south and whaling, then timber, flax and fisheries. It was also pretty rough at the time. There was different nationalities coming into New Zealand. Pakeha people were bringing in weapons into the country and maoris had got their hands on them.

Amira - the europeans started to trade and or buy maori’s land

When did events occur and issues arise that eventually led to a treaty being required?

Makayla, Pisi, Marika, Amelia!!

Before this whole treaty thing and conflict started growing their were many problems in

New Zealand (1830s).

Amelia ~ Land was a big problem with the Maori people. They fought with traditional weapons (hand made) to see who gets 

During the time before the treaty was made. The Maori’s were split into different tribes and some conflict grew often between families. - Pisirina

In the year 1818, Northern Maori tribes were armed with Muskets and excuted their own people

How did some Maori and the Crown perceive the Treaty to be beneficial?

Bethan, Jahzara, Zaeeda, Chastyti

Zaeeda:  A reason that encouraged the treaty was that the number of british people in the country growing rapidly. The british government were starting to get angry and more powerful because of the fact that there was no order in the country.

Before the treaty was signed there was contact between Maori and Pakeha when they were doing land dealing and before the signing of the treaty there were four major transactions of land. The

Bethan: Chiefs based their decision on whether they wanted to sign the treaty or not on what the treaty offered them.

Jahzara: Maori Chiefs wanted to base their settlement on if they were going to sign the treaty of waitangi or not. In my words they thought about ownership of their land, what would happen if they did sign this treaty and what peace would come to them and their people.

Chastyti: Out of 500 Maori Chiefs only some refused to sign the treaty on terms of the text and the explanation

This week in extension we made a doc researching the background

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