
Friday 3 May 2019

Imagination Stories #1

This story is only my imagination some are wrong or nonsensical. So… here’s the most random story

One day in a suburban neighbourhood named Kingsman there was a boy named Kieran Tripp he went to a school named Kilham Primary. His life was eventful, he had many companions and adversaries. His best friend Leo had a sesquipedalian last name it was Olteforionetulopoltec9olaolmetobevifaffff687

Then one day while they were doing literacy and Kieran wanted to go to the bathroom when inside, Kieran noticed something unusual. He saw a metal barrel filled with toxic waste. It was just there in the floor lying down like a forgotten doll. He touched it nudged it with his foot and suddenly… it burst open and for some reason the drain connected with the water supply. I thought “Which doltish person built the bathroom!?”

Then I went out to stop people drinking water but alas a year 5 pupil drank the water, people lined up behind him do drink as well but. So I ran as fast I can to stop them drinking but I was bad at running so… I tripped. Then a another kid saw me then said… “That’s why your last name’s tripp.” Then he laughed and left.

Then I noticed the wasted contained metal and turned the kids… ZOMBIE ROBOTS! So I grabbed the nearest thing a metal pole. I defended myself with the pole whacking the ZOMROTS away. I tried to find refuge but then I saw the pole glowing, and I realized… It was a magic pole! So I went back to finish the ZOMBOTS. I saw a open shipping container and forced the ZOMBOTS into it to be never seen again.

Everybody noticed what I did and gave a medal. It was nice I’m thinking of being a hunter when I grow up. Eh

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